Backflip!! Season 1
The story follows Shōtarō Futaba, a boy who’s fascinated with men’s rhythmic gymnastics and enrolled at the Soshukan High School to join the school’s team. The story follows a team of unique seniors and Yoshiya Misato, a classmate who’s famous in high school rhythmic gymnastics tournaments, who run together toward one goal.
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama
Actors: Ayane Sakura, Ayumu Murase, Daiki Yamashita, Daisuke Ono, Hiro Shimono, Hiroshi Kamiya, Kaito Ishikawa, Katsuyuki Konishi, Kenichi Suzumura, Kenichirou Matsuda, Reina Ueda, Shinba Tsuchiya, Soma Saito, Takahiro Sakurai, Takashi Kondo, Tomokazu Sugita
Studio: ZEXCS