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Tainted Rain (2020)

Tainted Rain tells the story of David McKenzie, a desperate man, surviving in the ruins of Auckland City. His closest friendship is with a 7-year-old girl, named Taylor, who moves away… Read allTainted Rain tells the story of David McKenzie, a desperate man, surviving in the ruins of Auckland City. His closest friendship is with a 7-year-old girl, named Taylor, who moves away. David then sets out on a journey of discovery, as he fights the demons from his past, to find … Read allTainted Rain tells the story of David McKenzie, a desperate man, surviving in the ruins of Auckland City. His closest friendship is with a 7-year-old girl, named Taylor, who moves away. David then sets out on a journey of discovery, as he fights the demons from his past, to find a way forward.

Genre: Drama


Duration: 1h 23min

Quality: HD


: 6.1
